The Story Under the Story Where the Truth Lives and Hides
Words that paint meaning. Images that evoke words. Can they sit beside each other giving potent exploration that doesn’t take away from the other?
I have called myself an artist for a long time and still squirm a bit calling myself a writer even though my husband and I wrote a memoir, Out of This World: The Story of Zolar X, and let it out into the world last year. But it was a memoir about his life, his band, and my part in that slice of his life. It took a very long time to write it and finish all the steps necessary to make something to the best of my ability. We self-published and within that process I came to realize how much of myself I had allowed to be absorbed into the fold of his life.
This makes me think of Lee Krasner who put her career on hold as she promoted her husband, Jackson Pollack-the famed “dripping paint” artist. In the end though, she carved a place for herself in art history as one of the most important women Abstract Expressionists of our time.
I am setting out to write about other things; exploring my life, questions, observations, and what lies under the initial story. I am very curious about this story that lives under the story, and it seems like there most always is one.
Words that paint meaning. Images that evoke words. Can they sit beside each other giving potent exploration that doesn’t take away from the other? I’m attempting to find out as I explore hybrid forms of art making.
Until next time,
Excited to read your story. When I wrote my memoir, I relied heavily on still life images, "movies of the mind," and in some cases, turned to the land for inspiration. Some stories resisted being reduced into words, so I looked to the trees, the sky, the wind for remnants of tales that seemed to be difficult to capture. I'll bet your story will be layered with this stuff.