I’m so glad you’re okay. Such a scary experience, and then also so interesting. There is so much we don’t know we don’t know. 😉 Also - I love that picture of you. 💜

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Thanks Jamie. So true, yes we just don’t know everythings that’s out there. <3

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Great writing. I was right there with you and scared for you. I didn’t know what was gonna happen next. I’m glad you’re OK and that you had insurance coverage. if I follow the story properly, the cleaning person didn’t really exist that might’ve been something you imagined or an angel or a?

Beautiful thank you .

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This was so scary and I’m sorry you got hurt. The story about the woman and how nobody was supposed to be there gave me chills. I love that it’s given you an influx of joy and creativity. I love that you still love the wind.

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What a beautiful telling of such a frightening experience, Rhaine. I have often heard of "earth angels" and questioned if they are real. It seems that they are...!

I agree with Jamie about the photo of you - love it!! And that angel is amazing!!

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Thank you Prajna. Exactly, this is one of those stories that I told how I remembered it and am leaving it up to the reader to make their own meaning. I went through a mental list of possible answers that I chose to leave out of the piece so I still don't have a definitive explaination. xx

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Thank you Lyns. I got chills too when HR told me 💜

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Thank you Cathy. Yeah, personally I strive towards finding a balance between the possibilities of the unknown, of what's out there, and science - living life somewhere in the middle. That way it provides some wiggle room 😉🩷

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